Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Policy
- MoviesBurn is committed to complying with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) and other relevant intellectual property laws.
- Our platform does not host any copyrighted content on its servers.
- All materials are sourced from non-affiliated third-party websites, and we do not engage in the hosting or uploading of any copyrighted material.
- MoviesBurn operates solely for educational or promotional purposes.
Our platform functions as an index, much like how search engines such as Google operate. We do not endorse or accept responsibility for content hosted on third-party websites, and we do not participate in the uploading or downloading of movies. Any content posted on MoviesBurn is freely available on the internet and is shared by others.
If you are a copyright owner and believe that your copyrighted material has been posted on MoviesBurn without authorization, you can submit a DMCA complaint. Please provide detailed information, including evidence of your ownership, contact information, nd a statement confirming your good faith belief that the material is being used without authorization.
We take copyright infringement seriously and aim to respond promptly to all valid DMCA complaints. Upon receipt of a valid complaint, we will investigate the matter and take appropriate actions, which may include removing the infringing content from our platform.
To file a DMCA complaint or for any copyright-related issues, please contact us using the provided contact information: Please allow us 2-3 business days to respond to your complaint.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in ensuring compliance with copyright laws and protecting intellectual property rights.